László GYARMATHY (Budapest, 1942 - ) typographer, photographer. He reached photography through reproductive techniques as a printing engineer. Started with similar photo works for issues then went on to make object photos for museums. He has been a member of Association of Hungarian Photographers, since 1978.
Printing Engineer Training School, Lepzig
Budapest University of Technology,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Szép magyar könyv (Beautiful Hungarian Book), 1987
On Turkish Land, Turkey, 1984
Török földön / On Turkish Land, Fine Arts Fund, Budapest, 1983.
Ígéret földje / Promise Land, Budapest, 1986.
László GYARMATHY (Budapest, 1942 - ) typographer, photographer. He reached photography through reproductive techniques as a printing engineer. Started with similar photo works for issues then went on to make object photos for museums. He has been a member of Association of Hungarian Photographers, since 1978.
Printing Engineer Training School, Lepzig
Budapest University of Technology,Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Szép magyar könyv (Beautiful Hungarian Book), 1987
On Turkish Land, Turkey, 1984
Török földön / On Turkish Land, Fine Arts Fund, Budapest, 1983.
Ígéret földje / Promise Land, Budapest, 1986.